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Circular Logic

Circular Logic

A little jam here. Loops I put together on the Akai Force and some improv. I like to practice over this kind of progression that moves in ascending thirds: C Maj7 (Lydian)/ E Maj7 (Lydian)/ G7. So, it’s a minor third move on the last chord.

Art By Committee?

I listen to a lot of newly released music.

As a consumer, I find that I really enjoy Spotify and having so much access to new stuff is one big reason.

I feel that there is a shift away from collaboration in music. Maybe that’s just me thinking that way; I don’t know.

I do know however, that the technology allows for endless options as far as composing, arranging and editing music. So, an individual can produce a purely individual artistic vision and release it to the public. Most of it goes unnoticed…of coarse.

I think that popular culture is dominated by games, advertising and film; all almost (to me) unfathomably collaborative pursuits. None of that stuff hits home with me these days and I think, partly because it’s produced by committee at every step.

Is art by committee even possible? Or, is it just product that’s done that way?


I have decided to actually use this site to record some thoughts, updates etc.
Social media is a drag.

I’ve spent a lot of time during the past couple of years trying to build a presence on YouTube, Instagram and even Tik Tok. It’s not bad, I think, to pursue such ends but, at this point; not so much for me.

I’ve been steadily writing and recording new stuff; it’s my vocation. Dale Wiley used to call folks like me “lifers”.

Not so many lifers anymore. Music is an occupation to few, hobby to zillions. Change – progress. I like saying progress with a long o sound…pro-gress.

A few months back I ran in to a younger fellow at the park that started a conversation and he asked “What do you do?” After a mind stumble, I replied “I’m a musician”. He looked baffled, perplexed, gobsmacked. He said this: “I’ve always respected the knowledge and talent it takes to produce music but, I just don’t really care for it at all.” I’d never really heard anybody say that out loud. Makes me wonder how many more like that are out there.

I actually have a gig on the schedule in a few weeks; playing bass for some guys I know that are an old school cover band. We’ve rehearsed once so far. It was the first time in maybe five years that I’ve been in a room with people playing music. Many many moons since I’ve played bass in a band…lifer stuff.

Anyway, like I said, I’m going to start posting here regularly. If anybody is out there, feel free to chime in, say hi, shoot the breeze.

James Christopher Pribek

Jim Pribek, my brother, was found dead in his Westminster, Colorado home on May 19, 2021.

The details are still a bit sketchy but, it seems that he had been going through some traumatic times. I am broken up.

He was smart, witty, kind, a bike daredevil as a kid and a solid drummer with a fine sense of swing (a lot of people are unaware of that). He was also a very private person. He kept to himself.

I miss him.

Rest in peace little brother.

Hippie Like Cake